About me About me
Information About me
I like rebels and rule breakers that learn by questioning what is considered to be known instead of simply accepting what is. I want to keep learning and working to make the web and the world a better place for all. I believe people need to discover what makes them happy and then use their strengths and talents to share, create, and learn with others.
Years Of
My Skills
My Timeline
2024 - Present
Learning Front-end Development - Self Taught
I’m currently learning to become a proficient full-stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS) developer. At the moment, I’m focusing on mastering front-end development to create seamless, dynamic, and responsive user interfaces.
2022 - 2023
Developed a Voting Stystem - Self Taught
I developed a digital voting system for my high school’s prefect elections, streamlining the voting process for a more efficient and transparent election.
2022 - 2023
Learned JavaScript - Self Taught
I dedicated this time to learning and building projects with the JavaScript programming language, strengthening my development skills.
2021 - 2022
Learned CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) - Self Taught
I spent this time working on how to make my websites and web pages appealing to the eye, which led me to focus on learning CSS.
2020- 2021
Learned HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) - Self Taught
I conducted research and started learning HTML as the foundation of my web development journey. This was when I decided to become a software developer, marking the beginning of my journey in web and software development.
2019 - 2020
Introduced to Programming - Exploring
During this time, two friends introduced me to programming and suggested I explore it. I started learning Python and Java and quickly found it fascinating.
My Projects My Projects
Here is what I've been doing all these years. The first part contains my best two projects.
HTML and CSS Projects </>
Contact me My Contact
Contact me here
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Kumasi, Ghana
FreeCodeCamp, United Sate
Twi, English